Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 Months

Avril had her 4 month birthday today, and her 4 month check up at the doctor's office. Here is what we learned:

Avril weighs 6.44 kgs and is in the 65% for weight.
Avril measures 62.23 cm and is in the 61% for length.
Avril's head circumference measures 42.0 cm and is in the 78% for head circumference.

Wow! We weren't just imagining it, Avril is growing so quickly! We didn't realize she had such a big head though... it looks pretty darn cute to us.

Below is a recent picture of Avril and her daddy...

Avril has quite the fascination with mouths. Here she is examining her daddy's mouth. Maybe she wants to be a dentist when she grows up!