Thursday, June 18, 2009

Charlie and Mindy Jackson's Wedding

Shelby, Carme (mom), Jesse, Avril and I all drove up to Montana together on Friday morning. The drive took us about 8 hours and we arrived just in time to catch the end of the Jackson rehearsal dinner. Here are some shots from the dinner:

Yay! I'm finally getting some mommy-daughter shots. If only she were awake...

Shelby and Annie- cousins

Annie and Avril- I think they are 1st cousins once removed... I'll have to check with Jesse to see if that's right.

Our little family at the rehearsal dinner.

Annie and Jesse- cousins and best friends... they were so happy to get to see each other.

Bride and groom- Mindy and Charlie- they are the perfect match- the ceremony was absolutely beautiful, it was held in Mindy's family's spacious backyard and the weather was just as we'd hoped- sunny. They had a tent decorated with lights as well, and the most delicious desserts ever. My favorite was dipping the pineapples in the chocolate fountain. Mmmm...

L to R: Alicia, Jesse, Avril, Shelby, Aunt Suzie, Uncle Dick, Chad & Emily Jackson, Charlie & Mindy Jackson, Ally, Annie, Uncle Boose, Grandma Char, Aunt Star, and Carme

Me and my cutie pie girl at the wedding.

Avril slept through the first part of the ceremony but decided to wake up and make her bubble noises right after the pastor finished reading the Bible verses. It was quite entertaining...

Aunt Star, Jesse, Avril
What a wonderful day! Congratulations Charlie and Mindy!!! :) We're so happy for you!


Karen said...

AWW What cute pictures. Looks like you guys had fun! :)