Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Six Week Old

It's hard to believe we've been parents for six weeks now. It feels like we just received a picture of the ultrasound and were debating whose face shape our squashed little fetus would have. Little Avril is starting to develop a sense of stranger anxiety and definitely knows who her mommy and daddy are. She is starting to make attempts at talking (nothing remotely close to words, turns out we don't have a baby genius). She is a sweet little girl and loves to take walks outside and as well as eat, poop and sleep.

Here is Avril making one of her first attempts at talking. You can tell something is on her mind, but the cat's got her tongue.

And then she starts to say it...

And with that little grin she knows she got the message across with perfect clarity.

But when no actions were taken by those around her, she wonders if everyone around her is stupid or just non-compliant.

Also going on in our lives was a birthday party courtesy of Ina Olsen. Ina turned 27 years old. We had yummy lasagna and salad with bread. Dang good cooking by Ina's mom. Pictured above from left to right are Alicia, myself, Ina and Alex. Everyone (meaning the girls above) was so mean to Alex during this set of pictures. They told him he looked evil, high and blamed him for closing his eyes on countless occasions.

Since the girls decided Alex was no good for pictures, he was replaced by Eric and Alina. I consider him a smart, smart man because he no longer had to sit through pictures...

Great Grandma Parkinson is trying to comfort a wailing baby Avril. Mommy looks over with relief as someone other than herself is stuck with the fussiness.

Stephanie Muncy, Avril's first cousin once removed is pictured above holding the baby.

The Muncy family visited us all the way from Elk Grove, California. I unfortunately was working when they were here, but they are Alicia's first cousins.


Anonymous said...

I love the captions from Avril "speaking". Too cute. And Alicia... you look FANTASTIC after giving birth a mere six weeks ago! Way to set the bar WAY too high! LOL