Friday, April 17, 2009

Each year on April 16 there are a plethera of birthdays in my new family. Jared, Adrian and Arleen Parkinson all celebrate on this day. We had the privilige of going to dinner for Jared's birthday with Grandma and Grandpa, mom and dad and of course our sweet little baby Avril.

Sizzler offers a free root beer float on your birthday and my bro-in-law cashed in on it!

Avril came along to say happy birthday to her uncle Jared and ate a steak while we were there. Sorta...

Here is the senior gang plus my dad-in-law.

Alicia and Avril during one of Avril's better moments.

"The youth" of the group bundle together here for a picture taken by Avril's grandma. This surprisingly only took one shot to get. A first since I've been a part of this wonderful good-looking family.