Sunday, April 26, 2009


The weekend of the 18th we were able to go to Santa Clarita, California. We stayed with the very nice Maxsons once again. It was strange to be back in the California atmosphere and not have to work. We were rushed however, so squeezed in as many visits with people as we could. We stayed until Tuesday afternoon and then made a stop at a hotel in Mesquite on the way home. It was really nice to see everyone again and Avril was good for the most part on the drive.

Avril finally meets her extended family. Uncle Adrian, Aunt Arleen and cousin Brittney.

Spending some quality time with her cousin Brittney. Brittney and Avril really clicked as evidenced by Avril's endearing look.

Avril and I were looking at the ceiling fan. We think it is just so cool how it goes around and around and around and around. Truly quality father-daughter time.

Our friend Kandi is pregnant with her first child. She is waiting to find out if she is having a boy or a girl. Also, Avril was really excited to be in this particular picture.

This is Avril and her best friend, Cali. They are only about a week apart, so they feel each other's pain of being misunderstood.

Nathan, Avril, Alicia, and Mason :)

Ali, Avril, Jeremy, Me (Jesse)

Richard and Sandy loved Avril (especially Sandy, aka- grandma #3). Avril loved them as well. We know this because she rarely cried when Sandy held her, even though she has a bad case of stranger anxiety.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, you guys really made the rounds! I'm glad that I was on the list!

It was great seeing you guys again and meeting Avril. She, of course, is just adorable. And thanks again for the gift. I LOVE it! (btw--I'm gonna need your new address...)