Monday, October 20, 2008

Over the Weekend...

Well I neglected to take any pictures so I'll just write a quickie about our weekend. Jesse's little brother Shelby flew out from Utah to visit his mom in Irvine so we decided to hop in the car and head farther down South. We attended church services with mom and Rick on Saturday evening and then Rick treated us to dinner afterwards. We learned that Jesse is not the only one to be sporting a new hairdo. Shelby dyed his hair multi-colors, dark in the front and lighter in the back. I really should've taken a picture.
Everyone had fun feeling my belly and seeing if our little girl would kick. She seems to move like crazy some days and other days not at all. That night we drove down to Dana Point and stayed at Rick's parents' place. They have the most breathtaking view of the ocean from their house. They even had a spot upstairs in a room surrounded by windows, with a telescope set up so that you could look down at the waves crashing on the shore, and see all the surfer dudes in the water. I could not get over what an amazing house they had. Don't judge, but I must admit Jesse and I may have coveted their house a little. We watched a movie, National Treasure, and I fell sound asleep (oopsy, I was sooo tired though).
The next day we all went out to breakfast at IHOP and watched some football (yay). Jesse and I have a deal that if I sit and watch football with him I get massages. Its a pretty good deal if you ask me. Who knows, I might even start to like watching it but I would never tell!
Next we dropped Shelby off at the airport and said goodbye to a way-too-short weekend.


Anonymous said...

She's kicking already?! How amazing. Glad you guys had a fun weekend.

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Fun stuff! I would have been coveting the house too...Oh wait, I already am! Wish I could see it for myself, it sounds amazing!