Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Avril Princess!

Princess Avril.  Could she BE any more of a princess?  I think not!  Avril just LOVES anything princess related or Disney related.  Naturally, a princess-themed party suited her best.  Nana helped to make the decorations uber special, and we all enjoyed watching Avril's excitement for her very own 4th Birthday Party!  :)  All the girls dressed up in princess attire to make it authentic.

Here is Mommy's little princess girl, grinning from ear to ear :)
Avril and her good friend Sierra, who lives next door, posed for a princess pic

My 4 year old Princess

Mommy with her sweetheart girl
Little I mean Big McKel (McKel does not like to be called little anymore, she is a BIG girl), was running and took a tumble when she tripped over her princess dress.  She gashed open her chin something fierce.  Poor thing.  We bandaged her up but she was a little cautious and reserved the rest of the party after her accident.
Here is the other sweet princess doll, band-aid on chin and all...

Party girls

Look at all the princesses!

Papa Bryan holding sweet McKel


Nana with a very happy Avril :)
Nana made this AMAZING pineapple cake.  This is mommy's favorite.  Avril loved it as well!

Make a wish!

Sierra helped...

poor McKel and her owie band-aid chin

So sweet, Avril reading to her little sister :)
The birthday party was a success!  So grateful that we could be around our family and friends for Avril's special day.
Avril is growing up so fast.  She is so sweet to her little sister (most of the time).  She remains the sweetheart girl.  Avril is incredibly creative and thoughtful.  She is affectionate, loving, a bit dramatic (okay, more than a bit), expressive, emotional, artistic, and extremely intelligent.  She says the most adorable things all the time, and you just want to bust up laughing at her precious comments.  You can't help but fall in love with her instantly.  I am so happy that I have this sweetheart daughter.  She is the greatest joy.  Love you, my sweet daughters... as much as the sky, as Avril would say...


Erka said...

You and your mom are the funnest moms ever! So cool you dressed up in princess outfits too!

Lindy Salmon said...

Love all the dresses! Your girls are getting so big. They are darling (and so are you, always:).