Friday, February 15, 2013

Balance Times Day... 'n Stuff...

The girls love any holiday, but if Avril had to choose a FAVORITE holiday, it just might be "Balance Times Day."  That's the cute way Avril says Valentine's Day :)  I think she likes it so much because it is a craft-day, and Avril's favorite activity in the world is anything to do with art.  I like the holiday because look at how adorable they are in their little Valentine's Day dresses!
Mommy actually had a training meeting for work that was in Phoenix, Arizona for the week, so I wasn't even home for all the Valentine's Day fun...but Nana and Papa made sure to give the girls lots of love and attention while Mommy was away.  Here are the girls in some gorgeous dresses that Grandma Carme sent them:

Sisterly Love
Simply adorable Avril
I was so happy to come home to a couple of Valentine's Day packages on my doorstep, and some new Valentine's Day artwork on my fridge.  It made me feel so loved, which was nice because I was really all alone in Phoenix for the holiday.  Shelby sent me and the girls a box filled with stuffed animals and a sweet letter.  Grandma Carme sent us chocolates and a make up gift and a sweet card.  I was incredibly grateful for the packages.  Avril and McKel made me pictures that I keep on the fridge so that I smile when I see their bright faces :)

I just had to take this video of the girls and their new fluffy white cat friend.  McKel opened the front door and this white fluff-ball cat was sitting on the porch.  Avril, of course, screamed and McKel thought it would be fun to let the cat come in the house.  They just got a kick out of playing with her, and forever ask when the white cat is coming back in our house.  Maybe someday we will have to get these girls a pet.  Probably not a cat, mommy is not really a cat lover... but this cat brought lots of joy to our home for the night, we had such a fun time!

While in Phoenix at my Assistant Branch Manager training, I made some new friends.  One of the girls, Alexis, even went out with me on Valentine's night so I would not feel so all alone.  We had some delicious Italian food in downtown Phoenix, then dipped our toes in her hotel's rooftop pool, then spent a little time dancing.  It wasn't quite the same as having a real Valentine, but I was grateful to make a new friend there.

Here are some other February happenings:  I took this cute video clip of McKel dancing.  She loves to say, "shake your booty," and then do a little booty shake dance.  It cracks me up!

Here is Avril watching Dora on mommy's laptop.  The girls LOVE Dora the Explorer.
Some very exciting news this month:  Mommy splurged and bought a hot tub!  I found a sweet deal on KSL and thought this would be fun for the whole family.  It would give mommy a way to relax and get warm after the girls go to bed, and the girls can enjoy it when we are all at home looking for something fun to do.  And fun it has been, the girls ask to get in the hot tub every single day!  Here are some cute pics I took of Avril just after she got out of our new tub:

I just love this pic of Avril :)
And one final video:  Its story time!  Avril reads a story to McKel and its just soooo cute!