Sunday, March 31, 2013


The month of March just whizzed by. Its so hard to keep up. The girls are getting bigger and learning more every day. Its so fun to watch them develop in to such little beauties. Life is chaotic. We find ways to stay busy all the time! Love my little family so much. Here are some shots of Mommy goofing off with Avril before work/school.

Uncle Jared is the proud owner of a super fancy juicer and he takes lots of fresh produce, turns it in to juice, and drinks it up to make himself Mr. Healthy man. The other night he brought it to Nana and Papa's house and Avril helped make a concoction.
Avril the little helper :)

Grandma Joyce's house is always a favorite of the girls. They always ask to have a seat on the deer in the front yard:
Happy girls

The girls had a blast and made a mess of course. The two go hand in hand. Yummy cookies for all! Good times :)