Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Exciting Stuff

I've been meaning to play some blog catch-up, and post about our exciting news for some time... but just had to make sure it was really for "reals" first.  This coming Thursday, May 3rd, is when I am scheduled to close on a home for the girls and I.  Woo Hoo!!!
I wish I had some pics to post of our new house, but those will be coming soon, do not fret.  I needed a place that was close to family, for child-care purposes.  Single mommihood kinda requires lots of help, that's a given.  So... I bought a house on the same street as my brothers' home!  We already met a few of the neighbors, and even started planting some peas in the garden behind the house.  The owners let us come play, which is oober nice of them.
There is a little playhouse and swingset that the girls are totally stoked about.  Here are a couple pics of Avril peeping out the playhouse window:

Sup, playhouse peeps?
Can I interest you in some home grown rocks?  They rock.
And here are the girls jumping on the tramp in the backyard of our new home.  Sadly, the tramp doesn't come with the house...

So there you have it, the Yarger girls are packin up and movin on in to a new neighborhood!  Yay!  Very excited!!

And here are some other miscellaneous pics/videos that will overwhelm you with their adorableness factor...

Listen to Avril say her full name.  You will laugh, promise :)

And all dressed in Sunday's best, here are the two most adorable girls I have ever seen:

Just can't get enough of these sweetheart girls...


ASP+AEP=Parkinson Family said...

725 Street is in da house!! Congrats sis :)