Saturday, May 12, 2012

Some Cutie Pie Updates from May

McKel- Somehow I think this little girl just keeps outdoing herself by getting cuter and cuter each day.  She is growing such a head of hair!  It is so fun to have two little blondie girls.  McKel's personality is just that.  All personality.  She definitely has one.  She is one of the most headstrong 17 month-olds I've ever seen.  She knows what she wants and will go for it 110%.  She is little miss independent.  She has no fear, and will try anything.  She enjoys watching the things her older sister does and then will imitate.  She is all smiles and full of energy.  She loves to jump around and climb on anything and everything.  McKel seems to have all of a sudden developed quite a vocabulary.  We were worried for some time, because she didn't say much.  Now, out of nowhere, all these words just keep popping out!  Some of her current word faves are, "nose," and "eye."  You have to watch out for the eye word, because she points right at your eye when she says it and usually will poke her little finger right in your eye.
McKel also loves to give kisses....especially wet, slobbery, ones.  She often will plants one right on your mouth.  It is just so sweet it will melt your heart.  The other night she also started walking up to everyone and hugging their leg, then planting a kiss right on their leg.  She would walk up to each person, give a nice shin-hug, followed by a leg-kiss!  She's one in a million.  She is such a blessing... love this girl more than I can say.

Right before bath time.  I shot some McKel shots cuz her hair was just too stinkin cute.  Love her curls

Avril-  This little sweetheart is learning in leaps and bounds.  I am astounded at how intelligent she is.  She has a memory like a sponge, she just soaks up every little thing.  She loves to talk.  She will talk and talk and talk, saying the most hilarious things you've ever heard, "kay?"  Avril lately throws that at the end of every sentence.  I tried to make a mental note to document some of the funny things but I waited too long to post this, but I'll try to remember a couple.
So we were out playing on the driveway at Nana and Papa's and there was an ant walking along the pavement.  McKel shouts and points, "ant!"  Then along comes Avril and quickly stomps on the ant.  Then she proudly states, "I shooted it!"  Papa asks, "you shooted it?  With what?"  Then Avril says, "with my shoe!  I shoeded it!  Like this!"... and stomps on the ant again.   Hahaha. Too funny.  We all got a good laugh out of that.
Another funny Avril story is that in the middle of the night, she woke up and said, "Rawr!" (in a quite growl).  Then she whispered, "I'm a quiet tiger."  Another hilarious Avril moment. :)  Love Love Love my sweet Avril girl.
And here she is, my lil sweetheart:
During this photo session Avril grinned and said, "I'm a model!"

The other night Nana pulled out a couple frog costumes she had found for the girls.  We put them on them just for fun, and then watched as they ribbited and hopped around like little froggies.  It was another good time with my lil bundles of joy!
Ribbit Ribbit!

My tadpoles

Just playing before bed

And here are the girls in their matching outfits, all ready for a fun day!

And it doesn't get any better than a day at the park with all the girls, playing on the tire swing!: