Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Adrian, Arleen, and Jared!!

Every sibling besides your truly, has the same birthday.  So its kinda hard to forget the date:  April 16th.  Especially since my aunt just had triplet boys also born on that day.  That makes 6 in the Parkinson family tree all born on this eventful day.
To celebrate, we had a small family gathering with dinner and dessert.  Its always fun to all get together.  Avril especially loves birthdays.  She kept saying, "I want it to be my birthday, please."  So we let her blow out the candles on the cake.  She was thrilled :)

Avril with her Uncle Jared

McKel with her birthday Auntie

Adrian and Britt

A cute pic of Papa and Nana

Holding up the cheesecake

Jared is sooo excited to be another year in to his... big 3-0's

Avril blowing out the birthday candles

Mommy and my littlest sweet doll girl

Caught McKel mid-wink