Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Awesome Weekend

Lots of Parkinsons!  We got to see lots of cousins, aunts and uncles over the weekend.  We are so blessed to come from such an amazing family.  I totally think the world of all these people.  Thank you for coming to visit!  We all just had some good fun and food at Grandma Joyce's place

Spencer, Sam, Uncle Robert, and another Spencer (younger version)

Keri, Susan, Grandma Joyce, Arleen, Tracine

the girls with Nana and Mama.  Mom just finished a 40 miler that day so I was a little cooked red in the face

Spencer, Jared, Steven, and Dallin (who owes me if I just introduced him to his future wife in AZ)

Avril playing with her always fascinating pods in the driveway.

Hanging out and chatting it up
A couple pics of mommy hanging out and being silly with her friend DJ.  We went dancing and then to fill our tummies.  Always nice to be with good friends.

Good times!  Another Awesome Weekend...