Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September Catch-Up

I've been slacking this month on blog postings so I'm playing a little catch up.  I became distracted by my latest household project, which was to finish painting the upstairs.  I managed to paint the bathroom and upstairs hallway, all after putting Avril to bed at night.  This has made me exhausted.  I did recruit help from my hubby, when he was available, which I was incredibly thankful for.  The upstairs is finally all painted and I love how homey it makes it look.  I still have some decorating to do, so the bathroom is not completely bare, but I'm doing one small thing at a time... both because that's all we can afford to do, and also because I don't have quite the stamina that my non-preggo body had.
Here are some recent photos/videos from this month, which by the way, has completely WHIZZED by!  Where is summer going?  I feel like the baby is going to be here so soon, and I'm not ready yet!  We don't even have a name...
Anyhow, here they are:

Jordan is one of my piano students and the next door neighbor to my parents.  He also happens to be one of Avril's favorite people in the whole world.  He is so good with kids, I just watch in awe.  Avril squeals with delight when she sees him outside.  When we are at my mom and dad's house, she points to the door and keeps saying, "outside, outside."  She never gets tired of going outside to play at their house, especially if Jordan is around.  Here is Jordan giving Avril a ride on his um... scooter bike thingy?  Not sure what to call it, but they have a blast riding it.

Mmm... soooo good!  I think Avril's new favorite food is sweet corn on the cob.  She somehow manages to clean that cob free of every last bit of corn, at lightning speed.

In a moment of weakness, mommy bought a box of twinkies for her sweet-tooth cravings.  Mommy shared with Avril.  I think you can tell from the picture that Avril thoroughly enjoyed her treat.

My brother Jared took this pic from his phone, in front or his house.  Avril has been able to go see her Uncle"JJ", as she calls him, since he lives so close by... and she loves spending time with him.  She tries to pick up the frog on his porch, and says, "heavy."  She also likes to try to pet the stray kitty that hangs out in front of his house, and says, "nice", as in, nice kitty.  Its so cute!

So cute!  I dressed Avril in a top that my mom found in storage, that used to be mine when I was a little girl.  I was looking for a picture of me when I was little, wearing this same shirt, but couldn't find one.  My mom is giving Avril chocolate chips, a favorite treat of hers.  So stinkin' cute!

These pics were taken with my phone, so they're not the highest quality.  Here is Avril with her classic cheesy smile, and on the right she is wondering where the contents of her purse went.  She does this gesture when something is "all gone."  What a cutie.  In case you can't tell... Love this girl!!


Lindsay said...

What cute pictures....and I love how Jordan love to play with little kids too. He is such a good uncle! :)