Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Days Like These Make It All Worth It...

I was just amazed today, at how blessed our family is to have little Avril.  The joy that she brings to our lives is immeasurable.  I can't believe how much I just love her to pieces!  And now we are going to have another little girl.  How can I love another child as much as I love Avril?  I'm sure I will, I just don't know how its possible.
Today we were sitting by the river, watching the water and Avril was so intrigued by her surroundings, she was just giddy with excitement.  Out of nowhere, she runs up to me and gives me a big hug, while saying, "hug."  My heart was already bursting with love, and then she runs circles around me, yelling, "I LUCKY!", which means, I Love You :)  Then she proceeded to give me a kiss on the left cheek, followed by a kiss on my right cheek.  I thought it couldn't get any better, but she repeated this several times, giving me countless Avril kisses.  That just made my whole day, my whole week!
When daddy came home, I was repeating this story to him and Avril proceeded to tell her dada that she lucky him and gave him kisses on the cheek, and even a nice slobbery one on the mouth!  I love watching her light up when Dada is around.  Jesse is so good with her.  It just melts my heart to watch how he makes her so happy... and visa versa.  Even though he works long, hard hours at his two jobs and school, he is never too tired to pay attention to our little sweetie pie.  She soaks in any daddy time that she can.  I am so grateful that Dada works so hard for our family, so that I can be home with this precious cute face and I don't have to miss moments like these.  :)


Jamie Dana said...

Alicia, I didn't know you were pregnant again! Congratulations! Two girls--that is so fun.

It is hard to believe, but you will find a way to love your new daughter just as much as Avril in a whole new way without loving Avril any less.

Being a mother is hard work but what you just described...all of the kisses and love that children give make it soooo worth it.