Thursday, September 30, 2010

More September Precious Moments

Mommy and Cutie Pie at the Jordan Brown Wedding

Just before we attended the wedding for one of Jesse's best buds from high school... we got a pic of all 4 of us!

Mmmm... Gee Goo (Thank You) Dada.  I Lucky.
September was such a busy month and it came and went way too fast.  I am trying to prepare for this next little angel and I'm just not getting there!  Anyway, here are some more recent pics of our sweetheart...
I started working on Saturdays for a couple hours doing office work.  This means that Avril requires a sitter so of course the grandparents volunteered.  Grandma especially enjoys getting Avril all dolled up and taking pictures... we don't mind it one bit!  She's just so cute nobody can get enough of her :)
A profile pic
The sweetest face you've ever seen.     

In front of the grandparents' house...

A Halloween preview...

Bath time is a happy time!

What do you think of my new do?