Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Papa Sings at the Providence Park

My dad's band, Deja Vu, had a gig at the Providence Park. Luckily, Jesse had the night off so we all got to attend. We even got to see our wonderful friends, the Mortensens there :)

Avril is already using her cute looks to get what she wants. She walked over to a family eating on their blanket and stared at them with her big brown eyes. The next thing we knew, Avril walked back over to us with a huge grin on her face and a brownie in her mouth! Maybe Avril can teach me a few tricks. That brownie looked good!

Here are some pics from the event:

 Mommy playing with her little sweetheart's hair :)

My hubby just chillin

Parents at the park


Britney said...

Love the brownie story! Wish I had cute eyes that could get me brownies too.