Monday, August 23, 2010

Camping in Montana!

Jesse's extended family pretty much all live in Montana.  We got invited to meet up with them at a place called Swan Creek, which is a campsite area near Big Sky.  I'm not gonna lie, I was skeptical of how much fun our trip would be with no showers and a pregnant mommy sleeping on the ground.  The first night we were there, I thought I would nearly freeze to death.  I was holding Avril close on top of me and my bulging belly, trying to keep warm.  This had to be one of the most uncomfortable nights of my life.  Avril did not sleep well, and I did not sleep at all.
However, things turned around the next day and it turned out to be an awesome camping trip.  Watching Avril explore and seeing her so happy just made everything worth it.  It was wonderful to see family as well.  Jesse's family is always so kind and welcoming.  We really did have a blast.  Uncle Dick even saw a bear!  We were very careful to keep our food locked in the car so those nosy bears didn't come snooping in our tent and have some Yargers for dinner.

Avril had no problem finding ways to keep herself entertained.  She ran all over the place with her new friend, Mr. Walking Stick.

"Dada, that's MY walking stick!"

Jesse's Mommy :)

Doesn't get much cheesier...

Jesse taught Avril to raise her arms like this when we yell, "Touchdown!"  She got a kick out of doing this over and over and over...

Another of Avril's favorite activities was feeding the dogs.  Here she is feeding Sage some dinner.  She also tried to feed Sage rocks, sticks and a slobbery ball.  Unfortunately for Avril, all the dog fun led to itchy, swollen, red eyes.  Turns out Avril is like her dada was at a young age, and is allergic to dogs.
Eat your food, Sage!  Good doggy!
So cute :)

A Mommy/ Daughter shot.  Aunt Star and Cousin Ally.  We all played a game of Scrabble together.  Jesse won.  He'd probably want me to mention that.

Uncle Boose, Uncle Dick, Aunt Star, Cousin Annie, and Jess

Carme and Dick, Sis & Bro

Cousin Chad with Jesse's Mom

Grammy and Granddaughter

Our happy family :)

We had such a great time!  Thank you for inviting us, Montana family.  We love you!!


Lindsay said...

Looks like fun!