Tuesday, August 24, 2010

18 Months!

Our little sweetie pie face had her 18 month check up today, on her 1 and 1/2 birthday.  Poor thing had to get her shots but she was a trooper and only cried for a minute.  As soon as they handed her a sucker she felt much better and forgot about the shots.  She kept pointing at the band-aid on her leg though, and saying, "owie."

Here are her 18 month stats:

-Head Circumference:  18.4 in;   56th percentile
-Weight:  21.06 lbs;   8th percentile
-Height:  32.0 in;   62nd percentile

Our cutie patootie is very underweight :(  We feed her, we promise!  She is developing well and knows all kinds of words now.  She is curious all the time and explores all her surroundings.  Her personality is just soooo sweet.  She has the sweetest little voice and will tell us that she loves us all the time.  It sounds kind of like, "I lucky."  We lucky too!  :)


The Rapp Family said...

Wow...18 months old!! Time goes by so fast!! She is so cute, we can't wait to see the next little Yarger. Hope you are feeling well, miss you!