Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The First Post of the Year!! And its a Great One!!

Two years ago on this date:

This happened:

To celebrate, we dined here: 

 ...and slept here:

My sweet, amazing, loving, sneaky husband planned all this behind my back and surprised me.  He even arranged for my mom to take Avril for the night so we could have some alone time.  It was absolutely fantabulous.  I must say, however, that I really missed that little cutie pie.  I was so worried about her that I texted my mom throughout the night to make sure she was ok.  Of course, my awesome madre took good care of our rug rat.
I often feel overwhelmed at how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and best friend.  I'm so glad we found each other.  I love you, sweetie!  Thank you times a million for our special day, and for making every day special!!

Us leaving on our night out :)

See what he puts up with?  He's a keeper!!


Erka said...

Well done, Jesse! Alicia, I totally understand the texting all night thing! Paul planned something simmilar for our anniversary this year, and I just felt weird without my daughter, and kept texting and calling my sister every hour. She finally threatened to turn off her phone and told me to chill. Easier said than done, if you ask me!

Aubrey Jane said...

How fun! I'm glad that you had a wonderful anniversary!

Lindi said...

Happy Anniversary! Avril is such a cutie!