Monday, January 18, 2010

She's Guilty

I give you Exhibit A:

I turn my back for 2 seconds, and Avril has emptied the contents of the bathroom cabinet.  Yes, that is Clorox bleach.  Do not judge... I'm still a good mom, she didn't eat it or anything :)  Avril also enjoys putting the Q-tips in the toilet, along with the hair gel, diapers out of the trash, and any clothes left out on the floor.

She is naked because the clothes had to be removed since I'm pretty sure its not good for babies to wear clothes covered in Clorox.

Avril tries to reach for the camera so no pictures may be used as evidence against her...

Exhibit B:
Pants on the ground

If you've been watching American Idol, you've heard the "Pants on the Ground" song.  Avril must've taken this song to heart because one minute she was playing, fully clothed, and next I looked up to find a pantless baby. 

But how can you get mad at a cute face like this?  Gotta love that baby girl!


Aubrey Jane said...

That is one beautiful, and adventurous, baby! Last week I was about to buy a toilet brush(I've been using the ones with disposable cleaning pads on them and thought I'd save money by getting a reusable one) and all of the sudden I had this visual of my baby boy crawling into the bathroom and sticking the brush in his mouth. I decided to stick with the disposable ones, lol. Don't worry, we all think you are an AWESOME Mom and I love that you document these things :).