Sunday, January 24, 2010

11 Months

I can't believe that Avril will be ONE WHOLE YEAR old in just a month!!  I've said it before, but I'll say it again... she's growing WAY TOO FAST!

Today Avril was finally feeling like her usual bubbly, energetic self.  She has been sick all week long with her very first ear infection.  She is on antibiotics now and they've started to kick in so the fever is gone and she seems to be much happier.  It was not fun watching her be so miserable.  And I might add that it was also not fun having no sleep.  Hopefully now we can get back in some sort of routine.

Happy 11 months to me!

I'm such a cutie!

My daddy thinks I look like Michael Strahan (a football player with a big 'ol gap between the teeth)

what do you think?

I love being in my birthday suit!

Hold the photos please!  That darn paparazzi just won't leave me alone!


Lindsay said...

She is so big and super cute! :)