Sunday, November 1, 2009

You're in for a Thrill!

Alicia told me I get to contribute to the blog so these next couple posts are Jesse authored...

Tell me Alicia isn't the freakiest-person you've ever seen! You can't argue that the girl can get her funk on! Avril wins the cutest costume, duh. I was somewhere in the middle, more towards the scary end. The following are representative images of our night on the freaky October 31, 2009.

Avril as a pumpkin! She thinks she is 5 years old because right before the picture I asked her how old she was.

This is Alicia before she died and came back to life. Avril is being cute i guess.

If you are wondering how mommy died and was burried underground... look no further. She felt really bad though so she dug her mommy up. Pictures of scary mommy are to follow.

More creepiness for Halloween.. (Uncle Jared)

In an attempt to cover her dirty deed, Avril dressed as the lovable Minnie Mouse.

We visited Great Grandpa Parkinson and these are his trick-or-treaters.

Great Grandpa Parkinson Leopard!

And the moment you've all been waiting for... Mommy back from the dead!

Thriller/ Thrill/her!

Scary, but I don't need to say that. And yes, that is real hair.

The classic Thriller stance. There is something disturbing about a dead has been showing some leg. Kind of ...... different???

Ignore the man in the red pants.

And what would a post be without still-framed dancing? We really are amazing at the dance ps.

Like my jerry curl? Alicia liked it so bad she turned to reach for it, so I tried to run away, but my body would only go into that one position to run! Now that is scary!

Don't we make the perfect couple?

I double dare you to disagree!

Before you judge... I just learned this dance right before while I was at work. Alicia threatened me that she'd stay a zombie for good if I didn't learn Thriller for her. Too bad I still haven't learned the dance. Haha, just kidding Alicia. I love you.


Cory & Rebeca said...

very impressive!

Erka said...

Wow, you guys know how to do Halloween! Alicia did look very impressive, it was definitely professional looking make up job!
Poor Avril, was she scared at all of you two?