Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Montana Thanksgiving!

This year we returned to Montana for the big Turkey fest. We drove up in our car with Grandpa Bryan and Uncle Shelby in tow. Shelby and I were squished like sardines in the back seat, since Avril was hogging up all the room with her luxurious car seat. We stayed with Jesse's cousins, the Jackson family, ate lots of delicious food, played games, watched football, and just had a wonderful time. We are so glad we got to visit with family. Good times!
Also, Avril started getting her two front teeth up top while we were in Montana! She didn't even complain she was just so happy there :)

Bring on the food! -this hairdo has earned Avril many new nicknames, including Pebbles, Bam Bam, palmtree-head, and little sprout, just to name a few :)

Avril and Annie. I discovered that all the girls there had "A" names. Alicia, Avril, Annie, and Ally!

The brothers ready to play some Turkey Bowl football!

Yikes! I'd be intimidated by these guys, wouldn't you?

That's Charlie Jackson on the far right, and Jesse in the red sleeves. For some reason lots of these guys decided to wear shorts...?!?! Not our little Avril... you'll see how we kept her warm...

Here are some of Jesse and Shelby's biggest fans. Avril seems to be so cozy in Bryan's arms that she dozed off and took a little nap... because lets face it, this baby only takes little naps, never big ones.

Okay so it doesn't really match but at least she's warm.

After the game Avril couldn't wait to give daddy a big hug. Jesse played wide receiver (as usual) and Shelby got to play quarterback! They won the first game and lost the second.

cousins Annie and Chubbs

the whole Jackson/Yarger clan about to dine. Mmmm....

Avril just loved Aunt Star's cooking. She looked forward to every meal!

Aunt Star and Av :)

Newlyweds Charlie and Mindy holding Avril. So cute!

just the daddy and mommy :)

I'm taking a wild guess and gonna say they're watching football on TV.

Annie and Ally got Jesse the shirt he's wearing (it says Montana State Football), as a belated birthday present.

Me and my cute babe!

It was Annie and Ally's 20th birthday while we were there (they're twins) so they had a little birthday celebration!

The other photographer... my competition

Ally's look of surprise as she opens a birthday gift.

Palm tree head and me :)

Here's the cutie again!

Annie and Ally...

No way were other people going to open presents and little Avril get left out! Avril had a blast opening the already opened presents. It was hilarious to watch...

Avril playing peek-a-boo under the tissue paper.

How's the lighting? Did you get my best side?

Daddy took Avril for a walk outside. This is how he kept her warm...

Kinda reminds me of a baby kangaroo in the pouch!

Shelby and his friend Alexis

Jesse will be happy to know that Avril is a football fan. She clearly thoroughly enjoys watching the game... she's such a happy baby! We just can't get enough of this little bundle of pure joy!!


Erka said...

You guys had a great Thanksgiving!
Alicia, I cannot believe how fast your hair grows! This is the first time I have seen you as a brunette,and you look really good like that too! :)
Avril is cute as ever! Her hair grows so fast too. She already has longer hair than my Julia, and she is so mach younger!