Sunday, November 8, 2009


Well, I have served 21 complete years of my sentence on earth. To celebrate my apparent immortality, my beautiful wife surprised me* with a trip to see So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 perform at the E Center. Our night began with a swift visit to Grandma and Grandpa Parkinson's (from Avril's perspective) to drop off Avril. Of course we had to take pictures and here are the results. The show was amazing and we had a blast! Great birthday present!

Before the main event of the night when we dropped the cute little baby off at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Ali and I are also pictured, but Av kinda steals the spotlight.

Because of Avril's spotlight hogging, we decided to take a picture without her in it. We are pretty good-looking if I do say so myself, we just don't get the opportunity to show it off because there is a little someone, who is cuter than us, sneaking into all our pictures.

There goes Ali trying to suck my blood again. She is a little tiny bit obsessed with Twilight. I'm just not Edward material.

She's still a trouble-maker...

The stage before the show. It was surreal to be there in real life!

First of all... I can do that.

The dancers informed me they took woodshop classes to improve their carpentry efficiency so they could nail their dances.

To summarize, there's dancing. Then there's da-ancing. This however, was da-a-a-a-a-ancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!