Thursday, August 27, 2009

Has it Really Been 6 Months Already?!?

I can't believe we have a child that is a whole half (that is kind of an oxymoron, haha) a year old!! She is growing too fast. August 24th was her 6 month birthday. We also had a doctor's appointment that day. She had to get more shots which, needless to say, were quite unpleasant... for the both of us. Avril had a fever on and off and did not sleep well that night. Then she got very congested and had lots of gunky goo in her eyes, making them all red and puffy. She couldn't breathe very well and was just miserable. We went to see Dr. Firth again and he said she didn't have an ear infection, just a bad cold, so that's the positive. Here are her stats:
Length: 26.25 in. 71%
Weight: 16.44 lbs. 61%
Head Circumference: 16.7 in. 53%

Here is Avril right after bathtime. What a cute bum bum she has, haha. :) She likes to roll right off the towel while I'm trying to put the lotion and baby powder on her. She is very active all the time and just wants to play!! We love how she just lights up everyone's day every single day!


Barbi Mecham said...

She is so cute! I love naked baby bums.

Lindsay said...

So cute! She's growing fast!

Karen said...

oh man! She is so adorable! I can't believe she is already 6 months! ALSO the pictures of you all on the side of your blog are WAY cute! :)

Kristy said...

You guys she is so cute!!! Happy 6 months Avril, it has gone so very fast!
Up next, crawling, are you ready for that one?! ha ha then your home is never the same again...but it's lots of fun too :)

Erka said...

She is adorable! And she does have a cute bum bum!