Saturday, August 22, 2009

Avril's FAVORITE New Chair!

Grandma Parkinson bought this cool new baby chair called a Bumbo. It is the best baby invention EVER! Avril just LOVES it and we now never go anywhere without it.


Britney & Bob said...

Hannalee has one of these. I loved mine too! But one day around 9 months I think, she figured out how to squirm out of it while it was sitting on top of the table. She landed with a thud on the table thankfully. That was the end of her confinement.

Erka said...

We loved the Bumbo too! It went everywhere, on the counter when I did dishes and cleaned the kithchen, on my desk when in the computer, on the floor when just hanging out. I guess they recalled them at one point to just put a sticker that says you can't put the kids on high plces and stuff, but I say, if you are watching them they are good to go just about anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Aren't they awesome?! I can't wait to use ours. And bonus, a friend of mine recommends also using it as a seat for the bath. I'm doing that!

Kristy said...

We have one for Cali too, but we had to stop using it once she learned how to flip out of it :(
You might already know this but, there is a tray attachment you can buy so you can use the chair as a high chair. We were given one and it worked really well.
Avril looks so grown up sitting in this picture! I LOVE all her hair, gorgeous just like her mommy!