Thursday, August 27, 2009

Has it Really Been 6 Months Already?!?

I can't believe we have a child that is a whole half (that is kind of an oxymoron, haha) a year old!! She is growing too fast. August 24th was her 6 month birthday. We also had a doctor's appointment that day. She had to get more shots which, needless to say, were quite unpleasant... for the both of us. Avril had a fever on and off and did not sleep well that night. Then she got very congested and had lots of gunky goo in her eyes, making them all red and puffy. She couldn't breathe very well and was just miserable. We went to see Dr. Firth again and he said she didn't have an ear infection, just a bad cold, so that's the positive. Here are her stats:
Length: 26.25 in. 71%
Weight: 16.44 lbs. 61%
Head Circumference: 16.7 in. 53%

Here is Avril right after bathtime. What a cute bum bum she has, haha. :) She likes to roll right off the towel while I'm trying to put the lotion and baby powder on her. She is very active all the time and just wants to play!! We love how she just lights up everyone's day every single day!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Avril's FAVORITE New Chair!

Grandma Parkinson bought this cool new baby chair called a Bumbo. It is the best baby invention EVER! Avril just LOVES it and we now never go anywhere without it.

Roomie Reunion!!

Last week Avril and I traveled down to Highland, Utah to the wedding reception for Katie and Cory MacArthur. Avril started out crying but after about a half hour fell asleep on the drive so I got to drive most of the way enjoying the silence...
The reception was just beautiful, and I'm so glad I made the trip because I got to reunite with these beautiful girls!! And... the gorgeous one in the middle just got engaged and is getting married in October!! I am so happy for her... yay! We are just missing Keesa...

Avril was more fascinated with the flowers behind her than the camera so we got a nice back of the head shot of her.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Avril Steals Daddy's Football Pillow

Hmmm... where did daddy put that football of his?

Oh! What's this I feel? I think I found it!!!


Do you think daddy will notice if I sneak my hand over and touch it?

Ooh, I like it... I just wanna pick it up and hold it for a little bit.

It's mine now daddy! You can't have your football pillow back.

Who me? I didn't take it... oh no daddy, I'm innocent :)

Avril Just Chillin by the Pool

Ahh, this is the life...

Has anyone seen the waiter?... What does a baby have to do to get some service here?

Oh hi, yes, I'd like a pina colada, virgin please.

Just put it right there, thank you...

What?!? I SAID virgin!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Neighborhood Picnic

Mom and Dad's neighborhood had a way cool picnic yesterday evening. Here are some pics:

Avril tries to socialize with another baby named Isabella. She doesn't know yet that some people don't like to have their personal space invaded.

Here she tries to befriend a cute doggy. I think this is the first time she's ever seen a dog close up. They seem to be getting along just fine :)

The fam

A couple videos of Avril swinging. I wish I could change my mood from sad to happy as quickly as Avril. Here she is bawling her eyes out until she realizes that swinging is not the worst thing in the world, then suddenly.... a smile!