Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just some cute Avril pics

Well, we are in the process of moving back in to our townhouse in Logan and it is quite difficult to get all unpacked and organized with the cute little distraction we now have. So... needless to say, I don't have much time to post new blog entries. I will try to take some pics of the place when we get all set up. I'm especially excited to have our nursery for Avril. Enjoy the pics of our sweet little angel. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so adorable! How fun that you get to move back, I bet you will have it decorated so cute:)

Kristy said...

Wow, she is so cute & growing so fast! Do you know her baby stats., (height %?) she looks so tall! :)
Good luck with your move; I can't wait to see pictures of Avril's nursery!


Kristy said...

Cali is in the 50th for height as well. I agree, average is very nice. Nyah was in the 90th for height and Sade was off the charts till about age 1 1/2. It was kind of frustrating how quickly they grew out of their clothing (good for Cali though she has some very clean hand-me-downs!)
