Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Found It!!

I have not posted in awhile but do not judge me because I have lots of good excuses. The most relevant one being that I lost the connector for my camera that lets me download pictures to the computer. As the title of this post indicates, I found it! Finally... since I am still unpacking boxes (again, don't judge... I know its been a month since we moved in) I eventually came across it and now I can have all the picture fun again.

One of my other excuses for slacking off is also an excellent one- I am deathly ill. Okay, that may be an exaggeration but it does not feel like it at the moment. This past week I really have felt that I have never been so sick in my life (those pregnancy memories are already fading!). I think its the flu- hopefully not swine flu. I'm not sure but it keeps lingering on and on.... I have been praying that Avril does not contract my horrible disease and thus far we've been pretty lucky. She only has the cold symptoms, not the high fevers and chills and sore throat and barfiness that I've had. Still, I feel bad seeing my little angel suffer with a runny nose and sneezles. I'm such a mom!

So how am I finding time to post this blog, with all the sickness and moving and losing of things, you might ask? Our wonderful friend Bethanie Brown just came over and took little Avril to church. I will let her be spiritually nourished while I stay home and physically nourish myself. It is Logan Brown's missionary farewell today and Jesse went to see his bestest friend before he heads off to Mexico for two years. I really really wanted to go and see him off as well but couldn't, due to my icky disease so Avril went in my place. She's basically me, 30 years younger anyway. Maybe they'll take some pictures but since I'm not there with the camera its not likely... we'll see.

Anyway, here are some more cute Avril pictures. I just realized that I do not have a single photo of Avril and I except for the one the professional photographer took. I'm always taking the pictures now so I'm not in them... I'll try to remember to get some soon so that Avril knows she has a mommy... but I'm not about to while I'm sick!

All bright eyed and beautiful :)

Jesse and I decided to walk down to Smith's Marketplace and get some groceries. We loaded up the stroller full of groceries so had to carry her home. She didn't seem to mind that at all. She just loves her daddy- and who couldn't love a face like that? Those are my cuties :)

Avril in her happy place- the changing pad where she gets clean diapers, yay!

This is how she fell asleep on grandma's lap while we were watching the American Idol season finale. She is dreaming about Kris Allen and hoping he has a cute little baby boyfriend for her someday.

And this is right after bathtime... all clean! At least for the next 30 seconds that statement should ring true.

Avril's got some serious talent. If anyone is looking for a bubble blowing, drooling, kicking cute face... she's your girl :)

Uncle Jared and Avril watching TV. I love it!!


Karen said...

I love all of your cute pictures! :) I hope you start to feel better!! That is too bad you have been sick for so long! I am here for ya! Right around the corner! let me know what I can do! :)

Lindsey said...

i LOVE that bathtime picture. Those eyes of hers are AMAZING!!!

I can't wait to come up to Logan and see OUR first place:) Ohhh the memories!!

Barbi Mecham said...

I am so sorry you are so sick! I hope you get feeling better soon. It is hard to be the mom at times because no matter how sick you are you never get a sick day!
I love your pics! What a doll. I still can't believe she is so big already. We really should get together and meet in person :)

Lindsay said...

Hope you get feeling better soon. Cute pics