Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Climate Change Rap

So Jesse just finished taking finals not too long ago. He was taking a climate change class and finished his final very quickly so he decided to kill some time and make a rap about what he learned in class. He then emailed it to his teacher. I hope it earned him some bonus points... we'll see!! I thought it was so clever so I'm posting it :) Hope he doesn't mind!

Fossil fuels, atmosphere and Earth’s positions,
Melting ice, rising oceans and greenhouse gas emissions
Hearing all these terms randomly may be strange,
But you’ll learn ‘bout them all in a class called Climate Change.
It all started a long time ago with a firey birth
Not with a person but a planet called Earth,
It was just too hot for people like you and me,
The coldest days flared to 130 degrees C!
Despite the odds, life arose from the temps from hell,
They were tiny microbes that only had one cell,
Out of these microbes, many things began to appear,
And to make a long story short, now people are here.
Everything was just fine and on life went,
Until we got cocky and tried the big experiment,
About 1880 we started to release too much CO2,
It stayed in the atmosphere and hotter and hotter it grew,
If that weren’t enough we now cut down forests,
That’s a decision that is up there with the poorest,
Anyway, now the carbon emitted hangs out in the atmosphere,
Water vapor comes to the party and brings the beer,
Together they wait for infrared going toward space,
They collect lots of it then scatter it all over the place!
Some returned to Earth and since infrared it hot,
Guess what happened when that’s what the surface got.
This could quickly become a more serious scare,
If we don’t stop releasing carbon into the air,
Models say 3 more degrees by the end of the century,
So we need to quickly find a carbon penitentiary!
All I have left are these two simple tips,
Go green and take Climate Change from Dr. Hipps!


Kristy said...

Hey how are you guys? How is the move and decorating going?

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

awesome...I would love to hear him actually rap it! Your baby girl is SO ADORABLE! But why should she be anything but!? Her parents are 2 of the most gorgeous people ever created! Love ya!