Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jack or Jill/ Tarzan or Jane???

So lots of you have been asking for pics of the baby bump. Here it is!!! Also, if you scroll down a ways to a few posts back, I added a pic of our ultrasound from week 16. I tried to put things at the right dates so it shows up in order.
We still don't know if its a boy or girl but we should officially know by Monday of next week. I've seen lots of people put polls on their blog so I thought I'd join in on this fun idea. Please comment your vote boy or girl and we'll see who's right!
Alright, I'm off to teach. I am handing back tests tonight and apparently you should never take a class from me because my tests are WAY hard. I feel bad, I didn't think it was that difficult but the average was a low C and only one person had an A. I think I'll have to go easier on them next time. I still LOVE my job so far, it keeps me busy so I don't think about being sick as much. Yes, I'm still sick :(


Erka said...

It looks like that baby is growing!
I am sorry you are still sick! You are the only person besides myself that continued to be sick after sixteen weeks! Hang in there, it doesn't get worse, if anything you just get used to being sick and it becomes part of your life. It's sad, I know, but just think of that beautiful baby you're growing! :) I am excited to know what it is! My vote is for a girl!

Andrew Cardon said...

It is good to see you guys are having fun. The bump doesn't look too big yet but judging by the shape my vote is for a boy. I feel bad for your students those are some pretty low grades but at least one person aced it. ;)

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Lovin the bump...too cute. bummer about still being sick though! Is it atleast getting better?

Anyway, thanks for the comment about my background, it's super easy to change. You just go to the site you want your background from, find the background you want, get the code for the background and copy the code. Then you go to your blog to your layout tab, click on add a gadget. Click on the html/java script and paste the code into it. You might have to change your template 1st, but usually the site you get your code from will tell you that.

Anywho, if you can't figure it out, I could send you an email with step by step instructions if you want! Let me know!

Sorry about the gargantuous comment, but it goes with my gargantuous guess...a boy and a girl! Good luck!

Lindsey said...

Grow baby grow...you are the SICKEST pregnant person I have EVER seen. I only say that because you are sooo dang little....EWE. it's people like you....never mind. Children may be reading this comment....
I am totally guessing a boy.
Just b/c everyone and their monkey's uncle is having girls soon...and the boy wave is on its way!! I love you and keep posting pictures of the bump:)

Jamie Dana said...

Hey Alicia! Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are so tiny. Aren't you glad you do just have a cute little bump and not a blobbly bulge? Your ultrasound is amazing. I am excited to find out what you are having. I am guessing that it is a boy.

Feel better soon.

Kristy said...

Yay for baby! I'm so glad you called today!
I want to say more, but I wont ;) Congratulations!!!