Saturday, September 13, 2008

Coming Soon....

I will be updating the blog soon, I'm so sorry I've been a bad blogger!!! We lost the connector that goes to our camera so I can download pictures. I am going to search for it this weekend so I can put some new ones up. Lots of exciting things have been happening, and we have been so busy!!!!
I am now working 3 jobs, one of which I LOVE!!! I was hired as a part time instructor teaching an Investments course at the college here. So now I am Professor Yarger! :) So far it is by far my favorite job, it just keeps me super busy trying to keep up! I am still working at the bank, and then at the Behavioral Learning Center, with autistic children (where Jesse works).
My pregnancy is going well, but unfortunately I'm one of the unlucky few that seems to be staying sick throughout the pregnancy. I go through a LOT of cereal, because that's basically all I can eat. But at least its something, and I am gaining weight, which is a good thing. I'll post pics as soon as I can. Until then.... :)


Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm so glad your back blogging. I have a new blog site (because I just hate blogger). But I did specificialy want to share some news of mine with you.

Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well, although I'm so sorry that your still feeling so ill. Hope you get over that soon.

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

So glad to hear you are doing well! Congrats! 3 must be Super Woman to do that while pregnant and having sickness throughout the pregnancy!

Kristy said...

Three jobs, that's awesome! Are you teaching at COC? I hope you feel better soon!


The Rapp Family said...

I'm sorry your still sick.....Otherwise I hope the pregnancy is going well. How far are you now and do you know what you are having yet?? Your new job sounds great and you sound so busy!! Good luck with everything.

Erka said...

I am looking forward to your next post! A belly shot (even though I am sure you are not showing yet) would be good to see too! You are so amazing to handle three jobs, but then again you've always been good at that!

Lindsey said...

I thought you were dead. Welcome's the fetus?? :) My fetus says "hello". MISS YOU

Chelsie Sanders said...

I didn't know you were pregnant! congrats!