Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Belong With Me...

So Avril has an obsession with Taylor Swift songs. Particularly "You Belong With Me"... she can recite all the words of the song surprisingly well for a 4 year old, and it is just adorable. I tried to take a couple videos, but it really doesn't do the cuteness justice. We try to get out and enjoy the sunshine whenever possible, seeing as how it lasts for like a minute in Utah. We especially enjoy riding in the big red wagon. This day it was super duper windy though, which makes it hard to hear Avril's serenade.

A little easier to understand her in the car...

Avril tries to hold on the her hoodie by the skin of her teeth!
I am also including some pics of a recent trip to Grandma Joyce's house. Of course we took some pics of the girls on the famous deer in front of the house. That is the first thing they do when we arrive at Grandma Joyce's house... jump on the deer and go for a wonderful stationary ride! Grandma Joyce is also famous for having goodies and the girls know exactly which drawer Grandma Joyce keeps those goodies in. Below you will find some evidence of the treats all over their faces :) Looks like this time the treat came out of the freezer... ice cream and chocolate toppings! Wait till you see McKel's chocolate mustache!!

Complete with a 'stache and soul patch... McKel is oblivious to the mess on her face!  Soooo cute!

Haha, McKel doesn't seem to excited with Nana's attempts to remove her facial decor... just love the looks on both the girls' faces :)
To my two sweet cutie pies: Just as Avril and Taylor Swift say... "You Belong With Me". Love you girls more than words can say...

I'll finish off with some more random recent shots:
Hot tubbin it up in our back yard!  :)
Spaghetti is always a treat!

This old swingset in our backyard is so much fun for the girls!  They just totally love it!
You can see the garden behind has been tilled and is already starting to grow weeds.  Soon yumminess will be growing from there!  We are so blessed to have such an AMAZING backyard :)
 That's all folks!