Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Videos and snapshots

So I started training at my new job this week and I'm working a lot of hours right now... I LOVE my job... I work with the nicest people ever, and it feels like a family there already.  I do miss being away from my girls though.  Anyway, I've been so busy that I'm a bit blog-behind.  Again, I can't thank people enough for the encouraging words sent, the prayers, and all the love we feel sent our family's way.  It truly means a lot to us girls.  God is great!  :)

here are some random recent videos of the cutest girlies:

McKel eats corn on the cob

Avril rides the motorcycle at the mall

Avril in her new twinkle toes shoes

A nice way to pass the time in church
Adorable McKel
More cuteness
Avril is intrigued by the rhinos at the zoo!
Avril doing what she does best... having fun!


Lindy Salmon said...

I'm so glad you like your job! I can't imagine working AND being a mom of little girls. I wish you could send your girls over to play with ours, they'd have a blast I'm sure.