Thursday, September 1, 2011

So Blessed

Lately I try to remember when I get up in the morning and brush my teeth, to say Thank You for.... and start listing the things I'm grateful for each day.  When in the midst of a loss, its sometimes easy to focus on what you don't have.  I am soooooooo grateful for my two kids, who bring me smiles and make me laugh every single day.  The other night I was upset and Avril heard me crying.  She was upstairs and said, "I'm going to go downstairs and give mommy a princess band aid so she feels better."  That is just the sweetest thing I've ever heard :)  She is a total angel.
Another cute Avril quote:  "I went to see the three baby boys, Parker, Medicine (meant Edison), and George!"  (these are my aunt Trish's triplet babies).
And yet another:  "This is my new car!  It has penguins in it!"  (referring to the new Odyssey my parents just bought, since we watched Surf's Up and Happy Feet on the way down to Salt Lake).
And just in case those cute Avril quotes didn't make you smile, this will:

I am also blessed to have some great friends.  My friends Sarah and Alycia  recently took a trip to the little zoo here with all of our kids.  So fun!

Baby Alex, Ethan, and McKel.  They are all one month apart!  McKel is the youngest, but she is not intimidated by older boys!  She kept trying to grab Ethan in his stroller :)
Avril and her friend Kate were having fun climbing on the rocks and exploring

Sharing some candy and chillin in the shade!

"I want honey on my tongue!  Like Winnie the Pooh!"  Honey makes for very sticky fingers :)

*Thank you for all the kindness we've received from family and friends... as well as all the many prayers said on our family's behalf.  We are truly grateful.  I don't mind being selfish when it comes to prayers... we'll take all we can get!  God bless..


Alycia said...

Love the Avril quotes! She is so funny and has quite the vocabulary for a 2 year old! It was so fun to get together with you while we were there. You are so strong and amazing! Love you, girl!