Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Jam Packed Weekend of Fun!!

So we went to THE COOLEST LUAU ever this past Friday!  Ina's friend invited us to their place out in Wellsville... there were 2 enormous slip n slides that came all the way down the hill, plus a corn maze, dancing, music, food, and fun fun fun!!  We girls had a blast!!

Avril takin a dip in the kiddie pool :)

McKel with her infectious smile :)
The hula babes!
Had a very hard time getting Avril to keep the hat on for the pic.  She was too interested in the bamboo torches
Seriously.  Could she be any cuter?

Avril gives the slip n slide a try!

OK this is the bravest little boy I have ever seen... I watched him speed down the 1st time and about peed my pants it was too funny!  I didn't think he would in a million years go down again and he hopped right up and ran up the hill time after time for this :)  He's only 2!

And here is our slip n slide train with Ina, me, and Avril, it was awesome!

And here are some people going down the even BIGGER, better, longer slip n slide!

This one is a MUST SEE! Here goes Avril, dancing up a storm, doing the HULA!

McKel joins in the dancing fun!

After the Luau, we drove up to a cabin in Garland, where we stayed on the golf course for a retreat with Mommy's new job, CityGro.  We went in the hot springs, played games, and had waaay too much sugar!
My CityGro Crew.  Do I have a cool job, or what? :)
Drinking games :)  Luckily I only had to drink 2 Dr. Peppers... that got me buzzed though!

Sean, a CityGro bro... took these amazing pictures at the cabin we all stayed at.  So incredible...

  The next day we drove up to another cabin, but this one was up at Bear Lake!
The view from the beach in front of the cabin.  It was the sweetest cabin EVER!
Avril's new favorite activity is riding on the boat.  When they would hit the gas she would start laughing and say, "faster, faster!!"  Then when they would stop, she would say, "I wanna do it again, I wanna do it again!!"  She also had fun with her friend Sophie, who was there.  The cutest thing was that she would keep asking for Soapie :)

Here are some video clips and pics of us tubing behind the boat:
I'm pretty sure this is Ina and Nicole:

Ina's brother, Chris, was trying his best to knock us off the tubes with his crazy driving.  He didn't succeed, but nearly killed us!  Luckily, we're all still alive and only banged up a little.  It was super duper fun!

Ina and I, ready to get tortured!
Nicole and Chris :)
Avril all ready for the boating adventure!
Mommy and McKel.  McKel wasn't so happy about having to wear the life jacket.
Ina and baby McKel on the boat
All the girls :)
I think we wore out McKel
Nicole holding sleeping baby Kel
In the cabin.  Ina shows Avril and Sophie the Dora app on her iPhone.  They couldn't get enough!
Little Jens with McKel.  He was shy... McKel, not so much!  She kept trying to grab him and give him slobbery kisses.  She was so fascinated, she's boy crazy already!
McKel can basically crawl now.  She gets around quite well, its so cute to watch her maneuver her way around on the floor!
Hmmm... what trouble can I get in to?


Melanie said...

So that is totally my uncle's place. The water slides are on my uncle's sod farm. They rent it out to groups, etc. I love it there! My family has their reunion there every summer, I missed it this year though:(
But I'm glad you and the girls were able to experience the joy:)

The Rapp Family said...

Looks like tons of fun!! Your girls are so cute, I can't believe Mckel is getting are going to have your hands full (oh yeah, you already do!). You are so and hugs!!

Lindsay said...

Looks like fun! McKel is getting so big! She's a cutie.

Robert Mortensen said...

Awesome Yarger family! Thanks for the blog invite. The kids are so cute! Looks like you and Ina are having fun!