Monday, July 18, 2011

Camping in Montana

We've made it an annual tradition now to go camping in Montana with all the Jackson clan.  We always have such a great time.  It is absolutely gorgeous up in the mountains by Big Sky.  This was McKel's very first camping experience, and both girls had a blast!

Before I forget, I must write the cute Avril comments:

So on the way there, I turned in to the wrong campsite area, and was driving around getting more and more lost.  I was frustrated, and said out loud in the car... Mommy's lost.  My dear, sweet Avril said from the back seat, "Mommy, if you're lost, I can hold your hand so you won't be lost!"  My heart just melted :)  I am so in love with that sweetheart.

After I woke up in the morning from sleeping in our tent, Avril looked at me and pointed to my face saying, "Mommy, you need to put make up on!"  She then started rummaging through the bags saying, "Mommy, I will find your make up for you.  You need to put it on."  Haha, so sweet and so honest!

Then, at breakfast, Avril said..."Last night I went to sleep...I shut my eyes really tight for TWO hours!!"  Haha, I have no idea where that came from.  Luckily, she did actually sleep longer than two hours :)

We brought the playpen up so McKel would have something to sit in.  It was entertaining to watch her smash her face up against the sides :)

That's my happy girl!  Unfortunately, McKel wouldn't let anyone else there hold her.  She is very much a Mama's girl right now.  As long as mommy is holding her, she is happy.  She definitely loves to smile though.

These onesie pajamas are perfect for keeping the mosquitos off your skin!

Ally and her fiancee Kyle were kind enough to put up our tent for us.  I simply cannot say enough good things about Kyle.  This was my first time meeting him, and I am happy to say that Ally found herself the perfect person to spend the rest of her life with.  Kyle was beyond helpful to me and the girls the whole time we were there.  He is so great with kids, and treats Ally like the Queen she deserves to be treated like.  I am so happy we got to meet him, and I am so happy that God helped them to find each other :)

Avril loves her Grandma Carme.  It was such a treat for her to get to spend some time with her.

Aunt Star, Uncle Ken, Ally, and Grandma Carme, sittin around the campfire.  It was so great to get to spend time with all of them.  We love them soooo much!

Avril's favorite past time in the whole world:  throwing rocks in to the river.  Luckily, she found a friend, Kyle, who would spend hours with her doing just that :)

Let the Scrabble games begin!

McDonald's playland on the way home:


Erka said...

So much fun! Avril is such a little lady now, knows all about make up and stuff! :)

Lindsay said...

Glad you had fun! :) Your girls are sweet....and Avril says such fun, cute things. What a treasure!

Karen said...

Avril is getting so big! She is so pretty!!! Looks like you guys had a good time!

Kristy said...

What a fun trip!