Monday, May 2, 2011


So I think McKel's new nickname will have to be Bubbles.  She is now thoroughly clean on the outside as well as the INSIDE!!  This can now be a somewhat funny story, but believe me, this morning it was a TERRIFYING story!
I decided to take a quick much-needed shower this morning, and this is usually a difficult task, with 2 little kiddos.  Sometimes what I'll do if I know I'm going to be fast, is just set McKel down on the floor by the shower, laying on her back, while she gleefully kicks and rolls over on a blanket.  Good idea?  Not so much, when you also have a little 2 year old mischievous, curious, big sister looking for something to get in to.  I was shampooing my hair when I heard McKel scream out in the most high-pitched, gut wrenching scream I've ever heard from her.  She was crying incessantly and would not stop.  I opened the shower curtain and to my shock, saw Avril hovered over her with an empty shampoo bottle, while bubbles spewed out of McKel's mouth.  I jumped out of the shower, soaking wet and completely naked, grabbed McKel, and tried to calm her down.  It was useless... McKel was screaming bloody murder, and rightly so... I would probably be too if someone poured an entire bottle of shampoo down my throat!  Poor Avril did not know what she did wrong.  She was so scared for her little sister, and started crying too.
I panicked and started calling for help... first tried Jesse, then my mom, then my dad, and nobody would answer their phones!  Finally I got through to my dad who was in a meeting, who told me to just call 9-1-1.  Duh.  Why didn't I do that in the first place?  They transferred me to poison control.  The lady assured me that shampoo is not poisonous, just an irritant, so I just needed to monitor McKel and make sure she didn't gag and stop breathing or something.  Luckily, this was a small hotel bottle of shampoo, so it was 1.25 fl oz instead of the huge bottles.  After about 45 minutes of screaming, McKel finally cried herself to exhaustion and fell asleep.  She hasn't really had any major signs that something is wrong, besides the continuous flow of bubbles from her mouth, and a breath that smells nice and clean- like shampoo, oddly enough!!  We are so happy our little baby McKel is okay.  Phew.  Lesson learned:  no more showers for mama!

And just one more funny story to tell.  We're sitting at the dinner table eating, and my dad asks Avril, "Avril, is the food good?"  Avril then got a huge grin on her face, and shouted out, "Its AMAZING!"  We all busted out laughing, and then she states, "I'm immature!"  Hahaha she keeps us entertained, that's for sure!

And here's a clip of our fun at the park today.  McKel already loves the swings at the park.  I was able to keep her happy for like 45 minutes, that's gotta be some kind of record for babies: