Sunday, November 27, 2011


So we are all still sickos in our house.  I don't recall ever being sick so much in my entire life.  I am not sure if its because I started working at a hospital and I'm around patients, or if its because my kid is in daycare now and she picks everything up at the preschool there... who knows, but I'm hoping we reached our sick quota for the next few years and we won't have to suffer anymore.
November just whizzed by so I'll post some pics from the past month for your viewing enjoyment :)  I can't believe McKel is almost 1 whole year old now!  Avril loves the snow, and the holidays.  She hasn't stopped talking about Halloween and Thanksgiving, so Christmas is going to be a big hit, I'm sure!

Avril grins proudly at her snowman creation with Papa Spencer

Avril cried when her snowman melted.  It was devastating for her.

My brown-eyed girl, and my blue-eyed beauty, just snuggling on the couch :)

Time for a little sledding!!

Nana pulled the girls in the snow, what fun!

Trish and all her babes on Thanksgiving up at the Parkinson Great Grandparents' house

Olivia helped us make little treat baskets for everyone

And Papa Spencer carved the turkey!

Grandma Joyce busy in the kitchen

Jared with one of the triplet boys... sorry, not gonna try to guess which one!

Olivia cuddles up to her bearded dad

Seems like everyone is holding a baby in these pics

Cousin Brittney and Avril :)

Nana and Papa with Baby McKel

Great Grandpa Parkinson and Gayle

cute couple- Kelly and Trish

Not sure he's a fan of the piano playing... looks like it knocked Kelly out though

More Thanksgiving visitors, the Robert and Tracine Parkinson clan

Great Grandpa Parkinson again

another baby holding pic

...and another... Adrian with one of the triplets

Papa helps McKel enjoy some chocolate pie

Avril is a huge fan of the pumpkin pie!

Arleen and a triplet

Every single person in this pic was born on April 16th.  Crazy, huh?

... and the August 11th birthdays... Olivia and Brittney
Tried to get them to sit still and pose on the stairs but this is the best we could do... Happy Thanksgiving!


The Rapp Family said...

Hope you all get feeling better soon and have a Merry Christmas!! Cute Pictures!

Kristy said...

I LOVE the pictures of Avril with her snowman! Hope everyone is feeling better now :)

Lindsay said...

Your girls are adorable....lets get together soon!